I've been planning and building my new business since last year. Here is my final decision on the logo. I'll keep the lettering flexible so I'm not locked into a particular theme. PeaceXLoveXAnimate reflects my focus and passion for what the rest of my life shall be. What's better than Peace and Love?  I wasn't sure about keeping animate in the name until I looked at the definition to see if it was what I felt I could represent with my work. What I found made perfect sense! "To give life to; make alive" "to make lively, vivacious, or vigorous; give zest or spirit to" "to fill with courage or boldness; encourage" "to move or stir to action; motivate" "to prepare or produce as an animated cartoon". This is what I will be known for by your great grandchildren when they study HIStory. This is how I'll contribute to changing the world. This is my story.  ‪#‎peacexlove‬

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